lava show vik eyjafjallajokull eruption rth

Assessment Mats

We appreciate that it takes time to create quality assessments to use in school, so we have taken the time to create some for you. These assessment mats are aimed at GCSE students, and focus on the topic of Natural Hazards – particularly tectonic hazards.

These assessment mats have a range of different questions based upon real-life examples from different exam boards – they are not tied to any specific exam board, but would be relevant for the Physical Geography paper of exam boards such as AQA Paper 1, OCR A/B paper 1, Edexcel Paper 1, WJEC Paper 1, etc. Questions are focused around a sub-theme, for example ‘volcanic landscapes and features’ and one case study example based on the Icelandic Eyjafjallajokull eruption that appears in GCSE textbooks and is an excellent case study example for a tectonic hazard in a high income country / advanced country.

The language of the questions is aimed at mid to high ability students, and assesses their knowledge both in terms of recall of factual information, interpretation of a source image, explanation of theory, and application of knowledge. Questions include a variety of command words in order to give students a taste of the different forms of questions they may be faced with in the real exam.

On the reverse side of the assessment mat is a set of example answers, modelled on what would be expected in a GCSE exam. There is also a QR code web link to further study for more information about the use of key words, case study details, useful videos, etc.

You could use these for homework, or in class for an assessment that might last approximately 25 minutes. Students could mark each other’s work using the example answers, or you could give them the model answers and ask them to identify why these answers would get mark, what makes them successful as an answer, etc.

Assessment Mat – Volcanic Hazard Case Study

Assessment Mat – Volcanic Landscapes & Volcanic Features

Assessment Mat – Volcanic Hazards