Country Information for Norway

Norway enjoys a better climate than might be expected, due to the gulf stream. In the summer temperatures can reach 30c, though in winter it can drop as low as -40c! In spring and autumn the weather is generally temperate but can be very changeable, and a variety of layered clothing, including waterproofs, is advised.

Time Zone
Norway is on CET (Central European Time) which is 1 hour ahead of the UK.

Norway’s currency is the Norwegian Krone (NOK, or Nkr). ATMs are common throughout Norway but credit cards are less widely accepted than in the UK. Travellers cheques are generally easy to change, but can incur larger commissions than plastic. Banks usually operate shorter hours than the UK.

Visa Requirements
Visas are not required by EU passport holders – to be on the safe side, visitors should have a passport with at least six months validity remaining, plus plenty of spare pages.

Medical Information
Citizens of the EU receive free or reduced-cost state-provided health care cover with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for medical treatment that becomes necessary while in Norway. Please note that carrying the EHIC card does not negate the need for fully comprehensive travel insurance.
You should contact your GP around 8 weeks prior to travel to check whether you need any vaccinations or other preventative measures. The Foreign Commonwealth Office and NHS Fit For Travelwebsites also carry up-to-date medical information.

We can arrange Discover the World insurance which covers you for any included activity. Please refer to your price guidelines for the current costs. If you choose not to take our insurance please ensure you notify us of your insurance company, your policy number and 24 hour contact number. We advise taking out insurance when you pay your first non-refundable deposit.

Insect bites can be common, especially near water, and we advise the use of insect repellants. Long trousers and long-sleeved clothing are recommended to cover exposed skin, particularly at dawn and dusk. Our Norway Risk Assessment has further information on staying safe.

Emergency Services
The emergency services contact number in Norway is 112.