

Rail and Nordic Specialist

Call James on 01737 214 221



1 Very cold Lake Louise swim

2 Bears spotted whilst on a train

330 Kilometers per hour is the fastest train travelled on

James' first job when he left school at just 16, was in travel as that something that had interested him from a very young age. He specialises in rail holidays, with over 14 years of experience in arranging such trips for people including short hops in Europe and long trips around the world. He has visited North America three times, including the east coast, the Deep South and Alaska. James experienced the iconic Rocky Mountaineer train, travelling through Canada’s most spectacular landscape. He has also travelled in Europe by rail, as well as two very different train experiences whilst in China and India.

James' Top Travel Experiences


canada rocky mountaineer passing castle mountain rm

Travelling on the Rocky Mountaineer train in Gold Leaf (Vancouver to Jasper), seeing a brown bear foraging in the woods at Jasper National Park.


china xian terracotta warriors close up istk

Visiting the Terracotta Army site, where thousands of different life-size clay statues were discovered after being hidden away for over 2,000 years.


alaska railroad scenic journey ar

Travelling from Seward to Anchorage on the Grand Alaskan Railroad, with stunning costal views as the sun set.


Orca in Frederick Sound

Seeing a mighty orca whale close up in Kenai Fjords National Park on a day cruise from Seward.


alaska bull moose atia

Kayaking in Eklutna Lake, surrounded by jaw dropping mountains as moose casually strolled on by.


canada alberta fairmont chateau lake louise istk

Staying at the wonderful Fairmont Hotel, Lake Louise and swimming in the lake, surrounded by a spectacular mountainous backdrop.